Debunking the Myths About Organic Products

With evolution in the technology and every other scientific product, worrying about what you are consuming sounds so natural. Keeping in mind the numerous varieties of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. available in the market, the idea of shifting to organic products seems a very obvious choice. And this is one of the reasons behind the popularity of online organic grocery shopping thatprovides free delivery as well. Now, before going for such products, you might have done your fair share of research and one thing you might have definitely come across is various debates regarding every single stuff about these products.

Simply type the word ‘organic products’ and you would be flooded with discussions on their nutritional value, prices, efficiency to meet the world’s hunger and what not. With such an overload of information, tags along several myths that can leave you confused. That is why, it is advised to learn about the facts before shopping for the organic products, so that you can leverage all the benefits of these products. To help you with this, today we are going to debunk several myths pertaining to organic products. So, let’s get started.

Myth 1: Organic Products aren’t Healthy

Fact: Many times, people concentrate on the idea that organic products aren’t superior to theconventional foods in terms of nutrients. Though it is accurate as many studies have established that there is no significant difference between the nutritional content of both the food categories. However, nutrition is not the point here; it is the presence or absence of the harmful pesticides. These pesticides are nothing but poison that are meant to kill and several studies are out there that reflect the prolonged, yet harmful effects of pesticides on humans.

Myth 2: Organic Foods are Really Expensive

Fact: Well, yes, there are a few organic products that are expensive, but hordes of other organic products are completely in your budget. In many cases, traditional food is expensive thanthe organic ones. Apart from this, there are several hidden costs in traditional foods such as health expenses related to the various problems caused by the pesticides and overall harm in terms of money that the pesticides do to the environment.

Myth 3: Local, Free Range & Natural are as Good as Organic

Fact: Different labels such as natural, locally grown or free range are definitely not organic products. Organic products that are being labelled with the USDA organic seal must be grown, processed and packaged according to the preset regulations. Other labels don’t have any such rules and even if they have, they don’t follow.

Myth 4: Organic Foods aren’t Eco Friendly

Fact: There are several individuals according to whom organic foods are simply super amazing for the environment. Well, they are not. But when compared to the conventional foods, they are far better for the environment as they don’t involve any kind of harmful chemical pesticides while they are being grown.

With that being said, these are some of the many myths that surrounds organic farming and organic products. Stay tuned with us as we are going to debunk some more myths in the upcoming sessions.


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